
FAM SACCO is an association and an independent financial institution providing savings, deposits and credit facilities. It enables members to buy shares and have deposit accounts that will help them access low cost credit facilities at low interests with few procedures that make it easy for entrepreneurs to access loans, participate in investment opportunities and develop financial independence


FAM SACCO is a member-based organization founded under the umbrella of the community members of Ibanda and others living in Kampala.


To be a leading SACCO providing affordable and sustainable financial inclusion for both onsite and offsite services in Uganda.


To mobilize financial resources and offer quality, convenient and affordable financial and other related services on a sustainable basis so as to improve our members’ economic and social status.


The overall objective of SACCO is to mobilize resources through savings, purchase of shares, grants, and donations locally, nationally and internationally so as to provide financial and related services to capitalize members’ investments and promote sustainable development of our institution.



In addition to our fundamental objectives enshrined in our bye-laws we shall pursue the following objectives:

  1. We shall increase membership 10 times by Year 3, hence increase the number of people accessing financial services in Uganda. We shall have online deposits
  2. We shall increase the loan portfolio 10 times by the end of Year 3, thereby enabling our members to undertake a range of income-generating activities and satisfy basic personal needs.
  3. We shall increase operating self-sufficiency (OSS) to 150% by Year 3.
  4. We shall carry out a systematic gender main streaming programme to cater for gender concerns of our members and the community at large
  5. We shall carry a systematic capacity- building process of our SACCO to enable it address the growing dimensions of SACCO activities and expanded outreach
  6. We shall be accessible at all times in Uganda at every part of the country to solve your financial needs.

Core Values

Based on our Vision, Mission and Objectives, Our cooperative society cherishes the following values which we believe will propel us to successes:

  1. Focused – Member focused.  All the efforts will be geared towards promoting members interest first and ensuring that members get value for their money.
  2. Innovation – We shall endeavour to conduct all our activities in more delightful way while we are creative and innovative with international accepted practices.
  3. Noble – Our belonging as African, Ugandans shall be our priority as we gain financial independence.
  4. Ethical  – We shall conduct our activities in accordance with acceptable principles of right and wrong.
  5. Excellence – Leadership shall at all times ensure that the society is run on sound and safe usual acceptable business practices.


The management team is headed by a competent Manager with the requisite experience in SACCO operations and who is assisted by the Teller (Cashier) who also has the necessary competences. The two will grow the SACCO until its profitable enough to acquire a minimum number of pre-requisite staff members (Accountant and the Loan Officer).  There shall be good working relationship between the board and management. A human resource policy shall be put in place to harmonize operations.